Saturday 1 November 2014

Under pressure.

I have only started to notice the amount of pressure which is put on young people. (Yeah.. you could say that i'm a little slow!) The past year I have noticed that I actually need to find out what I want to do with my life/ what I want to make of it. Do I go to university? Do I go straight into work? When choosing my GCSE options and Sixth Form options I decided to only take subjects which I liked but now learning about the subjects I don't think that I could get into a specific career with them.

To be honest, I have never really had an idea on what I want to do and it is getting frustrating as so many others know what they want to do. There is so much pressure on young people and them choosing what they want to do in life. At the age of 14 you need to start making choices which I think is crazy. You're told that if you get bad results then you wont get anywhere which isn't always true. There's a grade on a piece of paper but on the other hand there is a person which you want to be, the goals which you want to achieve. Not long ago I was told that if I don't go to university then I am missing out on a big opportunity. Personally, I don't feel as if I am ready to go to university right now. I don't feel as if it is the right path for me. However, I feel as if I don't go then I am making a massive mistake as only 1 in 6 of the people at my sixth form don't want to go to university.

Right now I haven't got a clue what I am going to do. However, I will always do what I think is right then I have no one else to blame and I would have done what made me happy at the time. I can always go to university in the future if I really want to. As they say ' the world is your oyster'. Do what you want to do, do what makes you happy and do what you enjoy! Don't let anyone stop you from achieving what you want to do as you will regret it in the future.

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